No sugar coating it

Self work is freaking hard. There’s no sense in sugar coating it. It’s uncomfortable and frustrating. It’s heavy and overwhelming. So much so that we tend to avoid it. Delay it. Procrastinate until we decide one day that we can’t anymore. Until we decide that we need to figure out how to navigate in a different way and accept the necessity of change. Many times we push ourselves to the brink so it almost annoyingly, resentfully feels like a surrender. Surrendering to having to do the work. To face whatever isn’t working. To face whatever isn’t serving us. Ugh. To figure it the F out.

Let me tell you something important that I believe to my core. Finding yourself at the point of surrender isn’t relinquishing control. It’s quite the opposite. It’s making a choice to see things for what they really are. It’s recognizing where you’re at without trying to ignore it or deny it. From there, it’s making a choice to want more for yourself and your life. A choice to stop accepting things the way they are. Or the way they’ve been. Instigating change is bold. It’s brave. It shows you’re in there - you with the voice. With the opinion. With the fire. I see you in there.

From wherever you are I want to ask you a question. Without trying to force or edit or hide. Straight up honestly: Who are you becoming? Is it someone to step boldly into (even if you feel like an imposter)? Is it someone you don’t recognize or maybe even like right now? Is it someone you can’t quite define? Just notice without judging it. Uncomfy yet? Good for you.

Now. Who do you want to become? How do you want to be?

Instead of feeling the heaviness of surrendering to self work, choose it. You get to do this. You can embark on this journey. It will not always feel this heavy. It will not always feel this hard. It will not always feel this daunting. You get to choose how to move forward. I’m so excited for you.

How would it feel to be the leader in your own life? You already are more than you realize. I’m here to help you in this moment. And the one that comes next.


Peeling back the label: Intentionally considering identity

