you matter too

Why yes, mama, you.

Mothers should be treated with the same

comprehensive care provided to their babies.

Just as a baby was born, a mother was born too

Imagine what it might be like for new parents to have the same comprehensive follow up and support as their new babies. There is a major gap in maternal support as women transition into arguably the most monumental job they will ever have. With little to no training. And immediate assumption of full responsibility. We are expected to somehow do it all and have it all figured out. But the truth is no secret: no one has it figured out and it’s truly impossible to do it all. 

EK Coaching & Wellness serves to normalize and support women as they navigate matresence: the all-encompassing and ever-evolving experience of becoming a mother.

There is so much focus on preparing for parenthood with the emphasis on caring for our littles - on doing all we can to support our children as they learn and grow. So much so, that sometimes we remove ourselves, our wants and needs, from the parenting equation altogether. Let me remind you of something very important: you matter too.

Think of this as dedicated time to check in on how YOU are doing as you navigate motherhood. A baby would never go six weeks without well care, nor would they go an additional year after that. So why is it that new parents have such a gap in care? EK Coaching & Wellness is here to offer routine perinatal, postpartum, and holistic maternal support throughout the ever-evolving journey of parenthood.

“Resilience is silent and deep, like roots. It doesn’t announce itself. It doesn’t explode outward. It doesn’t fall. It doesn’t break. It simply always is. And you are.”

- Victoria Erickson

Hi! I’m Erica!

I am a family nurse practitioner who specializes in maternal mental health in the perinatal period (from conception through the first year after giving birth) and far beyond. Matrescence occurs no matter how you arrived at motherhood. You are still becoming a mother no matter how long ago you started this journey. New motherhood never ends. I believe we become new mothers every time each of our children progresses. As our children grow and develop, so too, we evolve. We have never parented this version of our child before, and thus it all is new again. We are new mothers again. And again, and again, and again. 

I’m here to offer my medical education and expertise, my personal experience as a mom of three, and my background as a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach to provide robust and individualized support. Through my specific training in perinatal mental health, I am uniquely equipped to frequent screening and care for Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders (PMADs).

What does working with you look like?

  • Monthly subscription

    $100/Month includes:

    Two 30-minute sessions* &

    Unlimited messaging support

    *by phone, Zoom, or in person

  • Unlimited support

    Ever find yourself sitting there painfully deliberating whether you should call your or your child’s provider? Or feeling lost as to where to start with a concern you have?

    Ever feel like you just need to hash out a decision that’s plaguing you?

    Ever just need the space to feel whatever the heck you’re feeling?

    The mental burden in parenthood can be exhausting - I’m here to help shoulder it. Shoot me a message - you’re not alone in this season.

    Lastly, join in for weekly Motherhood Support Group, held virtually on Tuesdays from 12-1 pm CST.

  • Session content

    These sessions are truly individualized - they will really be whatever you need them to be. This may mean consulting on symptoms (for yourself or your child), gaining clarity on some tangled emotions, brainstorming solutions, or talking through that thing you’re hyper focused on right now.

    They may also involve talking about the hard, uncomfy stuff that surely accompanies motherhood. Things like sorting out who you are now, practicing self-care, finding your voice and communicating your wants/needs, creating strategies to cope with the challenging moments, and grounding yourself in what’s important to you in the midst of all that is parenting.

    Sometimes it’s hard to let even the closest people to you in on what’s truly going on. Motherhood has been the most vulnerable, joyful, and challenging experience of my life.

    I’m here to be a sounding board, consult, triage, accountability partner, and unbiased support to care for you as you care for your little(s).

Let’s set a date!

You don’t need to be struggling to have someone in your corner. This motherhood gig is hard, even when everything is going spectacularly. I’m here to help carry the mental burden that comes with becoming a new parent. I’m here to empower you as you navigate this transition into motherhood. I’m here to help minimize the isolation and uncertainty that often accompanies new [and not so new] parenthood. I’d love to be here with you and for you.

Take a moment for you:

How do I gift this support?

Does reading the above make you think of someone you know who would benefit from working with me?

Trying to sort out a baby shower gift that offers more support than a sweet onesie?

I’d love to support someone you love.